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Case Study 001 In Paddock Blending using the CropScan 3000H On Combine Analyser

Case Study 002 Potential Varible Rate Fertilization using Paddock Maps from the CropScan 3000H On Combine Analyser

Case Study 003 Real Time Data from the CropScan 3000H On Combine Analyser

Case Study 007 Nitrogen Removal Maps help find the Sweet Spot in the Protein Yield Balance

Case Study 008 Strip Trial Evaluation

Case Study 009 Urea Strip Trial Evaluations using the CropScan 3000H On Combine Analyser

Case Study 010 In field segregation of wheat generates significant profit for a farmer in Kaniva, Vic

Case Study 011 In Field Blending using the Model 3000H On Combine Analyser

Case Study 012 Model 3000H On Combine Analyser Leeton Ryan VRT

Case Study 013 Model 3000H On Combine Analyser Broden Holland VRT

Case Study 014 In Field Blending increase revenues for South Australian farmer

Case Study 015 Finding the Sweet Spot between Protein and Yield for a Victorian wheat farmer

Case Study 016. Real-time Field Maps for 5 components in Corn using the CropScan 3000H On Combine Analyser

Case Study 018. Protein Yield Balance

Case Study 019 Urea Equalisation using the previous year’s Protein maps

Case Study 020 Evaluation of Economics of In Field Blending for a WA Farmer

Case Study 021 Variable Rate and the Holy Grail

Case Study 022 Return on Investment of using the CropScan 3300H On Combine Grain Analyser

Case Study 023 CropScanAg Solutions Return on Investment Analysis 

Case Study 024 Protein Maps from 2013 to 2016 

Case Study 025 How much Yield will you leave in the Field this harvest

Case Study 026 ROI using Variable Rate Nitrogen Fertilization across a 4500ha farm

Case Study 027 CropScan 3300H Calibration of Oats

Case Study 028 CropScan 3300H Performance Data and Field Maps

Case Study 029 CropScan 4000VT Wheat Calibration Validation

Case Study 030 Variable Rate Nitrogen Fertilization Strategy Evens Out Protein and Yield Across the Farm

Case Study 31 Canola Protein, Moisture nad Oil Prediction and Validation Study CropScan 4000VT

    1. Importance of NIR Grain Analyser, Ben BoekmanBenefits of using an On-Combine Analyser

    2. Return on Investment of Using the CropScan 3000H On-Combine Analyser

    3. The Missing Piece of the PA Puzzle

    4. On the Go Protein Mapping

    5. Development in on-harvester quality monitoring

    6. On the go protein – Grains Journal

    7. On-Combine Sensing and Mapping of Wheat Protein Concentration

    8. How to Profit from Real-time Protein Mapping

    9. Nitrogen Measurement in the Paddock

    10. How to Profit from Real-time Protein Mapping

    11. Nitrogen Removal Maps Collected from Australian Paddocks during the 2015 and 2016 Grain Harvest

    12. 2015 Montana Field Trials for On Combine NIR Analyzer

    13. Benefits of using an On Combine Analyser

    14. Grain Journal Yearbook. In-field wheat segregation brings extra protein profits

    15. Measuring Nitrogen Uptake and Availability in the Field, Grains Journal May 2018

    16. Measuring Nitrogen Uptake and Availability in the Field V4

    17. Managing Grain Quality from the Combine

    18. Penny Drops Book

    19. Measuring Protein Directly on Combine, Milling and Grain, Nov 2018

    20. Variable rate and the ‘holy grail’

    21. Protein Nitrogen Yield Balance Brochure 6 p

    22. Grain Yearbook Article Jonathan Dyer

    23. Rapid Quality Measurements of Flour and Wheat in the Milling industry

    24. Making Variable Rate Fertilization Prescriptions Simpler

    25. Managing Grain Quality Directly from the Combine

    26. Disrupting Precision Agriculture

    27. Data offers soil insights. Stock Journal October 2019

    28. Grain protein goals within reach

    29. MN Wheat Organisation Onboard Analysis

    30. New use for Cropscan monitor at harvest

    31. Tackle grain quality and protein levels better with CropSca

    32. How much Yield will you leave in the Field this harvest (Milling and Grain)

    33.  Closing the Yield Gap
    34. Make Your Variable Rate Technology Pay
    35. Protein Mapping Identifies Nitrogen Limited Zones within the Field
    36. Making Better Nitrogen Fertilizer Decisions
    38. Protein Maps Define Nitrogen Needs
    39. Research Supporting the Protein Yield Correlation Quadrant Map Theory

What is the Cropscan 3300H On Combine Grain Analyzer?

The CropScan 3300H is a new tool that allows farmers to measure the quality of their crops and the Nitrogen availability and uptake by the crop.

As a dealer why should we be looking at providing the Cropscan 3300H grain analyzer to oUR customers?

“You can’t manage what you can’t measure.” Peter Druker, business guru. The CropScan analyzer provides a means of measuring the crop so that the Yield and Protein can be better managed.

What crop types can be used with the CropScan 3300H? How accurate are the grain quality readings?

The CropScan analyzer measures Protein, Moisture, Oil, Starch and Fiber in wheat, barley, oats, sorghum, corn, rice, soybeans, canola, peas, beans and others.
The accuracy differs from grain to grain, however a relative error of 2-3% of the average concentration is typical, ie, Protein and Moisture in wheat is 0.2%.

Who is using the Cropscan 3300H?

Cereal grain farmers who have available a premium for Protein. Farmers who are already using Variable Rate Nitrogen Prescriptions and farmers who are wanting to start VRF.

Can the data only be used in real time on the combine?

The CropScan analyzer stores data every 5-8 seconds as the grain is harvested. By combining the Protein, Moisture and Oil measured by the CropScan, with Yield and GPS from the combine, then a suite of proprietary field maps and field analytics are generated. These maps enable the farmer to develop Variable Rate Fertilization Applications that produce a Positive Yield Response to the application of Nitrogen fertilizer.

How long does it take to install a system on a combine?

Dealers should allow 4-6 hours to install the CropScan analyzer onto a combine.

What are the benefits for the CropScan 3300H?

There are several benefits for farmers to install the CropScan 3300H onto their combines;

  • N-GAUGE Harvest App: Manage grain quantity and quality directly in the field from the CropScanAg N-GAUGE App.

  • Harvest Efficiency: Accurate Moisture measurement enables farmers to “Start Earlier and Finish Later” with confidence.

  • N-GAUGE Nutrient Manager App: Increase Yield and optimize Protein to achieve the “Sweet Spot” across the farm.